What We Do

American Axolotl Organization

What We Do

The American Axolotl Organization takes part in rescue efforts, educational presentations, and herptile expositions.

Our fundraising goes back out to the axolotl community where it's needed most, and we'll keep track of those things, here!


Big Lake Public Library

June 6th, 2023

Facebook Link

The Big Lake Public Library presentation was a success! We gave out stickers, showed a slideshow about axolotls, and a few of the 100+ audience were lucky enough to feed an axolotl!


Collieflowersbark Fundraiser

November 22nd - December 25th, 2023

Collie's Instagram

Collie's reddit

Collie's LinkTree

For the month of December, we're raising money for Collieflowersbark, one of the largest, and by far the greatest, salamander rescue in America! Collie has recently taken in around two dozen new rescue salamanders, and she's paying out of her own pocket to nurse them back to health before homing them. AXO thought this was pretty great of her, so we're stepping in with a sale on our stickers - all proceeds go to her care efforts.


You can use code WILLMORPH4MONEY to get 50% off all stickers!